Deer family was Surprised by the “Strange Actions” of a Naughty Otter

If you live near the woods, it’s pretty common to have squirrels, rabbits, and raccoons wander into your yard.
But one person got a big surprise when he noticed that there was not only a family of deer munching on the grass in his backyard, but also a playful otter.
You might think that at least one of the animals would have run off when they discovered they weren’t alone, but what happened instead has got to be one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!
Otters are known for being playful critters, which explains why this one enjoyed racing with a tiny zoo guest one day. But it seems like this deer family isn’t as enthusiastic about goofing as their new friend is.
In fact, both Mom and her babies seem utterly confused about what exactly this strange creature is trying to do. Maybe this silly furball would have more luck trying to play with a dog — they might even develop a special friendship like these two did!
What I love most about this video is that even though the deer seem to be a bit perplexed by this otter’s antics, they don’t exactly seem scared of him either. Who knows? Maybe this playful otter has a chance at developing a special inter-species friendship after all!
Make sure you SHARE this video with everyone you know so you can make all your friends smile!