Adorable FOX cubs turn Grandma’s porch into their Own private Playground

LuckyGrandma to see the wild creatures at play. they are so beautiful… love them all and wouldn’t trade that for anything….animals know where to go when needed for safety and acceptance!

Summer time is the best time for baby animals to explore, Vechrotex’s grandmother lives just nearby the woods, so it’s not new for her to see wild animals in her property.

One day, a curious baby red fox wandered near her house and ran under the porch.

The woman took a picture and sent it to her nephew, who posted it on [internet – Reddit]. The following days the lone baby fox came back with a sibling to play around the house and under the porch.

So fluffy and adorable.

One of them even went close to the glass door and licked it. Baby foxes are curious little creatures, but they usually tend to be extremely shy. This one is definitely an exception.
It looked like a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

OMG adorable little furballs

Mama fox comes often to his grandmother’s house with or without the baby foxes. Even while her babies are at play, their mom is watching closely, letting them enjoy some playtime under the porch until it’s time to go home.

Cute and adorable sweet precious

What a wonderful experience the pictures of the baby foxes are adorable!
They say if a fox comes by then it is prophesy. Many Blessings

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