Baby elephant asks caretaker to sing Lullaby every day, pulling her Closer for Hug

If you think lullabies are only effective for getting little ones to drift off to dreamland, think again!
As elephant caretaker Sangduen “Lek” Chailert proves in this video, a sweet song can even get a gentle giant to go to sleep.
“Even though Faamai is a big elephant, every time she hears a lullaby from Lek, she still falls asleep at Elephant Nature Park,” the caption alongside the clip reads.
But before Lek sings to her pachyderm pal, the elephant reaches out her trunk to pull the woman in for a hug. It’s a sweet embrace, but quite not as sweet as the scene that follows it.
As Lek begins her soothing song, Faamai slowly drops down to the ground and stretches out on her side.
Soon the pair snuggle up together for nap time.

The clip, uploaded to YouTube Monday, has more than 120,000 hits so far, but that’s peanuts compared to the last viral video these two starred in.
You see, Lek and Faamai are old friends from the Save Elephant Foundation, a Thai non-profit organization that cares for the country’s captive elephant population,
and they first gained famed two years ago with another lullaby video — one that’s been viewed more than 4.3 million times.