Donkey Smiles from Ear to Ear to say “Thank You” who rescued him from Flood in Ireland

What a fabulous pic well done your reward is written all over his face He is so happy and grateful for being rescued. So cute & sweet!  Such a happy donkey well done for rescue such a lovely smile he has.

Last Sunday, A donkey which was [s.tran.ded] in floodwater is recovering after a rowing club member rescued him in Ireland. The woman shared a post on her “Animal Heaven Animal Rescue” (AHAR) Facebook page asking for help…!

So sweet such a beautiful an adorable baby gods precious creation! 

The animal escaped from its stable in Killorglin, Co Kerry, on Saturday night after bad weather [da.maged] the gate.
The donkey was found [str.anded] in a field the next morning, surrounded by deep fl.ood water, after a river overflowed its banks nearby. Thank you for saving thus beautiful donkey

Mike Fleming, a member of “Killorglin Rowing Club”, found out and with a team of rescuers from the animal shelter, managed to get a rope and buoyancy aid around the donkey before pulling him to land.
“Animal Heaven Animal Rescue” said the donkey, which has been called Mike after his rescuer, is recovering at the animal shelter while his stable is repaired.

Love them such cool animals

He is now dried with towels, eating a hot mash, all cosy and warm and our vet has seen him and started him on [ant.ibiotics] to prevent [pn.eumonia]. He has a small bit of fluid in one lung but our vet said he will recover.

He is really smiling… This makes my heart happy!

Congratulations to you wonderful rescuers, Thank you for rescuing this Beautiful Baby there are still good lovely caring people out there. You will be rewarded one day!

How beautiful is that it’s a precious moment

So precious, he so deserves a wonderful home and someone to love him This makes my heart happy!
May God bless the one who rescued the donkey and saved his life.

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