Huge Owl hatches chicks outside man’s Window, loves Watching TV with him now

How awesome you had a Birdseye view of their entire growth and you’ll get to watch them take their first flight to how cool!

What do they like to see? comics, romance, action… ???

What a wonderful opportunity to have something so beautiful nest right outside your window.
Unbelievably adorable, they are so gorgeous you certainly are one lucky man to have these cute little owls so close to you ,enjoy every moment.

Europe's largest owl raises babies on windowsill of apartment | The Bulletin

A Belgian man by the name of Baart once noticed a noise coming from his outdoor planter. He initially believed it to be a dove, but it’s actually four enormous owls- the biggest owl in all of Europe.
The Eurasian eagle owl, the biggest owl in the world, has made a home in Jos Baart’s high-rise apartment complex. The mommy owl and three young owls seemed to be very curious about everything around them.

How fantastic such a privilege…

Baart initially thought they were annoying, but soon they seemed to be friends!
The owls have no reservations about this gracious host. And you can see the giant, fluffy chicks standing in quick succession, peering over Baart’s shoulder at the television screen. Perhaps they are eagerly awaiting to be invited into the house!

Lucky man, enjoy these beauties

Their less friendly mother frequently watches over her cubs from behind a bush, apparently suspicious of Baart and her children’s television habits. But she couldn’t stop the baby owls’ curiosity.

Love this! Nature in it’s best!

With a wingspan of more than 1.5 meters, these owls, also known as Bubo owls, have been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s largest owls. They are not natural [car.nivores] and have a wild lifespan of 20 years, but can live in captivity for up to 60 years.

They usually nest on cliffs and ledges, but they will also take over [a.ban.doned] golden eagle nests. How cool is this:

The Owls born outside his window, wonder if they were thinking, maybe he’ll let us in…..

What an incredible experience to have!  Watching everything adorable in the video below:

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