Mama Lynx brings 7 Kittens to visit Alaskan man, they even return later!

Back in September Tim Newton was woken up by an unfamiliar sound which led him to witness a miraculous scene of a Lynx family scampering outside his home in Alaska.

These magnificent creatures were playing and frolicking across his deck and lawn.

Their visit was brief, and Tim didn’t expect to see them again as wildlife sighting of a Lynx is rare, let alone a family of eight.

Two months later, his wife, Cathy Newton, woke up to a familiar sound. She could hardly believe who came back to their porch on a snowy day.

on November 11, mama Lynx came back with her seven kittens. They were flying across the deck just like the last visit. Cathy quickly started recording the rare occasion while she was still in disbelief.

“It was fascinating to see Mama playing as much as they were! Five kittens were on the deck playing with Mama, while two were in the yard roughhousing,” Cathy shared.

“Tim was not home, but I was able to get a number of videos of them! They are so cute!”

The deck was covered with a thin layer of snow, so after some incredible playtime, they left plenty of big paw prints scattered all over the deck.

The beautiful Lynx family seems to be doing well. Mama and her seven kittens who showed up in September, returned to the family’s porch for a bit of a surprise.

one of the most heartwarming things to see was how the mama lynx played as enthusiastically as her kittens.

The lynx family’s revisit was a delightful experience for the Newtons and an affirmation of the beauty and wonders of the natural world.

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