
Mother walks away, now this baby Donkey becomes the Star of the Farm

Though motherly love is one of the most beautiful things in the world, there are also cases in which mothers reject their offspring. This can be observed in the animal kingdom as made evident through this story.

Cash the baby donkey came into this world at the beginning of 2024. His mother Emma did not accept Cash and even attempted to end the baby’s life.

Fortunately for Cash, the owners of the farm in which he was born came to his rescue and thanks to them the baby donkey got a second chance at life.

Rick and Sara, the owners of the farm were willing to do anything to ensure the survival of Cash.

According to Sara, “We didn’t choose to rescue Cash, he was born on our farm. One of our donkeys gave birth, and by some miracle, we happened to be in the exact area of the farm that she just gave birth in.”

Apparently after giving birth to Cash, Emma had stomped and kicked the newborn. Rick and Sara had rushed to his rescue.

“I ran in and grabbed the baby, and we brought him to safety inside our home and have been raising him ever since,” Sara conveyed.

The couple then fed Cash and took extremely good care of him. They milked Emma and fed Cash milk every hour and a half.

Soon he thrived under their care and is now a beloved house pet. Cash plays with the pet dogs and enjoys following Sara wherever she goes. He even approaches Rick when he feels like he needs kisses.

It is safe to say that this adorable soul has won over everyone on the farm and he brings joy to everyone there.

“It has been an adjustment for everyone raising Cash. The dogs love him, the dogs love licking his face after a bottle, and they love trying to steal his grain from him. Everyone adapts to him,” expressed Sara.

The story of Cash even led Sara to write a children’s book and it is sure to be a source of inspiration to everyone.

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