Owl flies around with a Stolen Child’s Hobby Horse like a Wicked Witch on Her Broomstick

One witch seems to have turned herself into an owl and stolen a child’s stick horse to use as a broom to soar through the neighborhood, instilling feelings of wonderment or dread.
No, but seriously, a friendly owl was captured with a… you know what, just keep reading the story and watch the video at the end. You won’t believe me otherwise.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and tell us—if you were a witch capable of only casting one spell throughout your life, what would it be? Aight, let’s get into it!
“The young neighborhood owl has stolen this stick horse and is flying around the neighborhood with it,” Eric Lind said.
“Hilldale/Forest Park/Ridge lane neighbors…if your child is missing their stick horse, you’ll have to talk to the owl!!”
For anyone concerned that the owl might be somehow caught on the horse toy, Eric says there is no need to worry.
“We have no reason to believe this is the case as we witnessed the owl moving the horse around and even changing it’s grip on it at one point,” he explained. The owl is part of a family of owls that have been in the neighborhood for about 6 months now, he added.
The post has received thousands of likes and hundreds of comments and has been reposted on various corners of social media, so reporting these numbers accurately needs its own spellwork.
One Facebook user joked: “Owl Jr. doesn’t quite understand quidditch,” while another wrote: “All it needs is the Wicked Witch of the West music.”
“We were shocked and very surprised,” said Eric: “I posted it because it brought a good laugh and smile to my family—so I thought others would enjoy it too. It has been great to read the comments by others who said it made them laugh or made their day.”