Stranding of 4 enormous Whales on the North Sea coast was an Epic Tragedy

At the weekend, an epic tragedy played out on the shores of the North Sea: the stranding of four enormous sperm whales.

Latest reports indicate that the creatures — measuring up to 48ft in length — which beached near Skegness and Hunstanton, may come from a pod of at least 17 which originated in the deeper waters around Norway.

A fifth whale was found yesterday at Wainfleet in Lincolnshire on a stretch of coastal marshland used by the RAF for war-time practice runs with Dambuster bouncing bombs, and until 2009 as a weapons range. Sightseers were told to keep away for fear of unexploded ordnance.

Latest reports indicate the creatures - measuring up to 48ft in length - which beached near Skegness (shown) and Hunstanton, may come from a pod of at least 17 which originated in the deeper waters around Norway

Some whales have had graffiti of CND signs and other anti-nuclear slogans daubed on their skin, and one of them exploded following a build up of methane gas as a post-mortem was being carried out. Security guards have been posted to stop scavengers trying to cut out the whales’ teeth as souvenirs or to trade on the black market. Meanwhile, 12 other whales have beached on German and Dutch coasts.

This is a story which stirs us to deep emotion. For centuries, such animals have stranded on these shores — but not in these numbers. For anyone who loves the creatures, it is a heartbreaking scene. According to new scientific reports, these magnificent marine mammals — the largest predators on Earth, real-life Moby Dicks bigger than any carnivorous dinosaur and capable of growing up to 70ft long — are also the most social vertebrates, after human beings.

And it is in that loyalty, one to the other, that the root of this tragedy lies. Sperm whales, like other toothed whales —which include dolphins and killer whales — are defined by the company of their fellow animals. They are utterly loyal to one another. If one weakened whale decides to strand, rather than drown (these are, of course, air-breathing mammals), its companions will follow it.

Sperm whales also have the largest brain of any animal that has ever lived — it weighs up to 19lb compared to an average of 3lb for a human brain. And that brain confers on sperm whales abilities of which we cannot even conceive.

The world’s greatest expert on these animals, Dr Hal Whitehead of Dalhousie University in Canada, who has studied them over 20 years, says they exhibit emotions such as joy and grief, and live in complex societies in which separate pods often show distinct cultural differences and have their own dialects.

They also have a telepathic ability to communicate with each other — it is as if there were some unspoken, fraternal suicide pact among the giants that ended up on our shores. Would-be rescuers tried to refloat one of the North Sea sperm whales, which stranded at Hunstanton on Friday. But weighing 30 tonnes, these animals are just too vast to save. Rob Deaville, of the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (the Government-funded team formed by experts from the Zoological Society of London), was called to the scene of the Norfolk strandings, along with his colleague, Matt Perkins and team leader Paul Jepson.

Tragedy: Anti-nuclear slogans and graffiti saying 'man's fault' was sprayed onto the animals in Skegness

Their job is to take samples and, if possible, perform necropsies (the animal version of an autopsy) to find out why the animal died. The results they gather will provide vital clues to help solve the mystery of these creatures’ deaths. Deaville told me how these events present logistical and ethical problems. The team has a policy of euthanising animals if they reach them when they are still alive, he says, because they are just too big to save.

But even that presents an issue: to deliver a deadly dose to these leviathans requires vast amounts of horse tranquiliser, and still there is no guarantee of success. An animal this size is difficult to kill in a humane manner. Sometimes experts resort to explosives. Often, however, the experts arrive too late. A whale out of the supporting sea will crush its organs under its own weight, expiring painfully on the sand.

But why did they strand? Bad weather may be to blame, disorientating the animals’ sense of direction. One sick animal may lead the others into dangerous places. The shallow waters of the North Sea are not fit for these deep-diving creatures.

They are, in effect, natural submarines — one of the most mysterious, and miraculous animals in the ocean. Mature male sperm whales have been proved to dive a mile deep. They can stay down for more than two hours (the record is two hours and 50 minutes), withstanding oceanic pressure which no human could bear.

There, they feed on squid — sometimes giant squid, 40ft long. Those white scratch marks you can see on the heads of the Skegness whales have been left by the squids’ tentacles. The trouble is that the North Sea is simply not deep enough for such foraging and cannot provide them with the kind of food they need to sustain their vast bulks.

So what were they doing here? Unlike females, male sperm whales — which these animals were — roam to northern latitudes in search of food. They navigate the ocean bed by detecting electro-magnetic patterns imprinted in the Earth’s crust. It is believed tiny ferrous particles in their heads act as compasses.

Anti-nuclear campaigners graffitied the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament logo onto one of the whales

They also use their sonar — the echo-locating clicks produced by their huge foreheads (or, more strictly speaking, noses, which take up a third of their body) to sense their surroundings. They can use these clicks to communicate, too, as well as to create the loudest sound in the animal kingdom, equivalent in decibels to a jumbo jet taking off and capable of stunning or killing their prey at some distance.

Perhaps these giants mistakenly followed a food source into shallow waters. Another possibility is that they were disorientated by sonar exercises carried out by naval ships and seismic surveys for oil — research has shown in the past that these have prompted whales to strand.

For whatever reason, these animals took a wrong turn, from the North Atlantic, into the North Sea.

A further possibility is pollution from the chemicals we have allowed to escape into the oceans. Although legislation has limited these emissions, heavy metals from industry such as mercury, lead and chromium, linger on the sea bed, and can be stirred up by dredging and trawling.

These then enter the marine food chain — and eventually the squid and fish that the whales eat. Because sperm whales sit at the top of that food chain, the polluting particles lodge in their fat.

They are joined by other chemicals — organochlorines and PCBs from fire retardants used on furniture, to chemical fertilisers used in agriculture which are known to cause infertility, among other problems.

If a whale suffers stress, then their body fat starts to break down, releasing these chemicals into the animal’s blood stream. The result is a compromised immune system, and a very sick whale.

Worse, whales also ingest plastic discarded by us. Sperm whales have been found with dozens of plastic bags and other litter in their stomachs, significantly limiting their ability to digest food.

It is a combination of all these factors that causes sperm whales to strand. Joined by their comrades, their fidelity results in the awful scenes on our eastern shores, and others in Europe, at the weekend. Yet the terrible arrival of these beasts expiring on our shores is by no means new. Indeed, such events were regarded in the past as omens of God’s displeasure with our behaviour.

Grim discovery: This is the fifth whale discovered on marshland on the Lincolnshire coast this afternoon as the death toll hit 17

There is a remarkable history of sperm whales stranding on the East Coast and other shores bordering the North Sea. For while we know their navigation systems can be affected by modern-day hazards such as pollution and naval sonar, they have always been susceptible to illness or bad weather.

In the 16th century, the great German artist Albrecht Durer died of a fever caught when he tried to reach a stranded sperm whale in the marshes of Zeeland, on the Dutch coast. A spate of sperm whale strandings in Holland in the 17th century was commemorated in Delftware pottery and numerous paintings and engravings.

In some cases, dead whales exploded from gas build-up in their bodies, infecting spectators with what was assumed to be a ‘fatal miasma’. Today, scientists warn onlookers that cross-species or zoonotic infections can be caught from dead whales.

Most famously, a sperm whale that stranded off Holderness in 1825 became the property of the local aristocrat, Sir Clifford Constable, of Burton Constable Hall near Hull.

Uniquely, he was allowed precedent over the whale, which elsewhere would have been automatically the property of the monarch — as whales stranded on English shores still are.

After being studied and dissected by a celebrated local surgeon, this legendary whale’s skeleton was put on an iron frame and exhibited in the grounds of his estate.

It has only recently been rediscovered and, restored, is now displayed in the Great Barn at Burton Constable. This, incidentally, is the only whale mentioned in Herman Melville’s novel Moby-Dick that actually existed.

During the 19th century, the sperm whale provided the oil that lit the cities of New York, London, Paris and Berlin, burning in lamps and the finest, smoke-free candles. Indeed, we owe the measure of light itself, the lumen, to the time it took these candles to burn. It is strange that an animal of the darkest depths should have furnished us with light.

Sperm whales get their name from that oil, called spermaceti, believed by early hunters to be semen. We now know it has bio-acoustical properties, and is used by the whale to amplify its sonic clicks.

Tragedy: It is believed that the whales entered the North Sea from deeper waters near Norway but they are trying to work out how 17 ended up dead in Skegness and Hunstanton in the UK after another 12 ended up dead along the Dutch and German coastline

The same oil lubricated the machines of the Industrial Revolution. Before the discovery of mineral oil in 1859, the western world ran on whale oil. These animals were part of an economic, industrial process. Even their teeth were valued, the great ivory canines carved and engraved with pictures as scrimshaw.

President Kennedy was a particular collector of them, and had his favourite examples displayed on his desk in the Oval Office at the White House. Hence the scavengers after whales’ teeth on Skegness’s beach.

But luckily these creatures are now protected by UK and international law. Trade in such items, like that of elephant ivory, is illegal — although it still goes on covertly.

Even rarer is the strange material known as ambergris, produced in the intestines of whales when the beaks of the squid they eat lodge in the walls of their lower gut.

Hunted or stranded whales have been found with hundreds of thousands of such beaks — shiny, black snapping mechanisms like parrot’s beaks and composed of keratin, like human fingernails — and a kind of fatty cholesterol forms around them. Some lumps of ambergris may contain many squid beaks.

We value them for their beauty and majesty 

The biological reason for it may be to protect the whales’ guts from ulcers, but it only seems to happen to around 1 per cent of the animals. Expelled from the whale’s rear end, the result matures in the sea, and exudes a remarkable odour.

Examples can reward their finders with tens of thousands of pounds, since ambergris has a unique ability to fix the volatile oils used in modern perfumes, and is still highly prized by perfumiers.

So when we ponder why we are so affected by the plight of these animals, surely it is because of the vexed history that we share.

We once killed and butchered these creatures for our own ends. And in what we hope to be enlightened times, we value them not for their oil, teeth or other products, but for something much purer — their intrinsic beauty and majesty.

I have been lucky enough to see sperm whales, many times. I have shared the waters off the Azores with them, coming eye-to-eye with them in the sea.

They are placid, sentient animals, with such a highly developed sense of their own selves that sperm-whale expert Hal Whitehead has suggested they might have their own rudimentary notions of religion.

Meanwhile, there’s one optimistic note to take from the sadness of what we’ve witnessed over the weekend. And this is a reminder of the heartening notion that we, as a species, actually do care about the other creatures with which we share this fragile planet.

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