
Baby Kookaburra shows off its Signature Laugh

You’ve probably heard of the kookaburra bird before. Even if you’re not in Australia, you’re likely familiar with the children’s song, “Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree Song.”

The iconic birds are known for their distinguishable laugh. It’s hard to mistake!

In Bunya, Queensland, Australia, a wildlife caregiver-in-training captured the moment a baby kookaburra let out an adorable laugh and it’s too cute!

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Photo: YouTube/ViralHog

They shared with ViralHog that the bird, nicknamed Baby or Waddles, is the first juvenile kookaburra born on their property.

The bird happened to be near the caregiver when it let out its adorable laugh and they captured it on camera!

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Photo: YouTube/ViralHog

According to SeaWorld, kookaburras are interesting birds not only because of their unique laugh, but also because of their strong family connections.

They’re monogamous in nature, though some of them will have multiple partners. The adult birds will often pitch in to help feed and care for the young, too.

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Photo: flickr/Bernard Spragg. NZ

They’re pretty incredible birds!

What do you think of the little bird’s laugh? Have you ever heard a kookaburra in the wild before? Let us know!

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