Abandoned baby Giraffe Rescued by a Kind Dog and They quickly becomes Friends

Dogs are known to be very protective over the ones they love and they will do anything to keep them safe. While those loved ones are typically humans or other dogs, every once in a while, an unusual friendship occurs.

Hunter the young Belgian Malinois has recently found a new friend. His friend is a baby giraffe named Jazz. As soon as Jazz was rescued, Hunter immediately fell in love with the little giraffe and began watching over him.

Jazz was abandoned by his mother right after he was born. He could have died if he had been alone for too long, but luckily, a farmer found him and noticed that poor Jazz seemed weak and dehydrated. The farmer called The Rhino Orphanage in Limpopo, South Africa, and they came to the rescue right away.

Guard dog and abandoned baby giraffe are best friends

When Jazz first arrived at The Rhino Orphanage, he was not in good shape. He was unconscious for the first 18 hours, but then he slowly began to wake up. He had blood pooling in the front chamber of his eye at first, which caused his eye to have an unusual red tint to it. 

Luckily, his eye is being treated, and he is getting better and stronger each and every day thanks to the amazing staff at the orphanage. He is also very lucky to have a special dog helping him through his entire recovery.

Dog befriends baby giraffe after it was abandoned in South Africa

Hunter and Jazz

Hunter is a security and anti-poaching dog for The Rhino Orphanage. As soon as he met Jazz, he knew he had to protect him. He began sitting right by Jazz’s side, watching over him as the staff helped the baby giraffe heal.

Jazz needs to stay inside at all times until he fully heals. So, this loyal dog stays in the room with Jazz all day for support. Hunter is so dedicated to his new friend that he doesn’t even allow his brother, Duke, to come close to Jazz. 

Dog befriends baby giraffe after abandoned in South Africa

When Jazz first arrived and he wasn’t moving, Hunter was very concerned. The poor dog didn’t want to eat until he knew that the giraffe was going to be okay. Now, Hunter is healthy and eating again, but he still keeps a close eye on Jazz at all times.

Jazz has healed so much since he first arrived. Both Hunter and the caretakers have done everything they can to make the young giraffe feel as comfortable as possible.

Watch: Guard Dog And Abandoned Baby Giraffe Become Best Friends

Jazz has now learned to drink from a bottle and he has even started attempting to eat leaves. He still has a lot of progress to make, but the caretakers believe that he will be able to return home very soon. 

It is always better to have a dog by your side in a time of need. Jazz the giraffe knows this is true because he seems to feel much safer with Hunter by his side, protecting him. Of course, it will be sad when they eventually have to part ways, but at least Hunter will be able to know that Jazz is finally as healthy as can be.

Jazz, the Orphaned Baby Giraffe Who Befriended a Dog, Has Died

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