Courageous, Beautiful furbaby showing unconditional love for her family .. You are so so special, beautiful doggie!!
Give this four-legged hero a hearty round of applause since it’s hard to picture what would have occurred if the dog hadn’t been there to defend the two kids! That beautiful brave dog deserves a medal for saving its family that family must be so proud!
The in.cid.ent took place on July 19 while their family was having fun outside in the backyard, according to Crystal Michaelis. They discovered their seven-year-old yellow lab Ella was acting un.usually. She was growling and backing away as if she were alert for something.
Though she couldn’t see it but knew it was close by, Michaelis quickly understood it was a lion, which caused her confusion and panic. Michaelis recalled Ella at the time as “she kept staring at the s and then swiftly looking back. Shе wаs simply bеing cаutious, аnd my dаughtеr found it vеry concеrning.”
Michaelis hurriedly took her children outside as Ella was attempting to gain time to defend them. Ella had [sev.eral in.jur.ies] on her head, face, legs, tongue, and neck as they returned to the patio door. She was bi.tten more than 30 times overall, all from the shoulders up. His love was so deep for his family, he chose to protect, willing to give his life for them
Michaelis will never forget the sight she encountered when she opened the rear door and discovered Ella completely covered in blo.od. Blo.od covered the entrance and the patio in its entirety. Ella was even prepared to sa.cri.fi.ce her li.fe to keep Michaelis and the kids safe!
Mountain lion trails leading to the scene were discovered by officers from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, albeit the family was not present for the bat.tle. Wildlife officials explained that the mountain lion may have wandered too close to the Michaelis’ home after being disturbed by some nearby goats in a neighbor’s yard. God let your healing hands heal this beautiful and brave dog, who protected his family
Dogs are incredibly devoted creatures who are constantly prepared to defend the people they care about in any circumstance. A very brave dog indeed. So glad he survived, and hope his [wo.un.ds] heal up quickly!!
Cheers To That Lab Who Saved The Two Children, Protect The Family And Manage To Survive! What a Hero!! May the Lord bless her and help her heal quickly!! Thank you for your bravery, Ella!! Watch the video of what happened below: