Deer Visited her Human Friend, Suddenly Gave Birth to 3 Babies Right in His Yard in Ohio

The other day, while looking out the window of his home in Ohio, TV newsman Gabe Spiegel witnessed a remarkable story unfolding in his very own backyard.

It was the miracle of life.

That morning, a deer known to roam Spiegel’s neighborhood, whom he named Ruby, had led herself to a grassy patch behind his house.

But, as Spiegel soon came to realize, she hadn’t arrived there without a purpose.

And when it came time to finally go, she wouldn’t be leaving alone. Incredibly, as Spiegel looked on, Ruby gave birth to a brand-new baby fawn.

“It was quite a sight!” Spiegel told The Dodo. But Ruby wasn’t finished yet. Actually, far from it.

By day’s end, Ruby had given birth to not one, not two, but three precious babies.

Not only was it a joyful scene to witness, it was a rare one as well. By some estimations, only around 2 percent of deer births are of triplet fawns.

Ruby and her young family continued to rest in Spiegel’s backyard through the evening. By the next morning, however, they were all on the move — departing Spiegel’s property as a happy foursome.

But, interestingly, this isn’t the first time Ruby has picked Spiegel’s place to give birth. Over the past four years, she’s had two other fawns there, babies Spiegel named Opal and Jade.

Opal and Jade have since grown up, following in their mom’s tradition.

“They’re regular [visitors] now, too,” Spiegel said, adding that Ruby’s newest offspring are welcome back anytime as well: “We are naming these three beauts Sapphire, Topaz and Diamond.”

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