Pet Pig left in Dump Area can’t Stop Wagging his Tail when Found by Warm-hearted people

A man was out on a walk one day when he noticed something moving around near a busy road. He went to take a closer look — and discovered a pig all alone, waiting for someone to notice him.

The man went home and immediately told his family about what he found, and they began showing up daily to feed the pig, later named Piggie Smalls.

He was super friendly and clearly just wanted love. Eventually, the family contacted Reject Ranch, a farm animal sanctuary, and they rushed out to collect the abandoned pig.


“We assume he was dumped there, as it’s a high dump area, and there are even signs that say ‘no dumping’ for this reason,” Kady Horn of Reject Ranch told The Dodo.

Piggie Smalls’ rescuers suspect that he was purchased as a “mini pig,” which don’t exist, and when he grew out of his tiny size, his family got overwhelmed and abandoned him.


None of this was Piggie Smalls’ fault, but he was the one who suffered. When his rescuers approached him, though, all that faded away.

“He seemed very excited to see us and immediately ran out with tail wagging,” Horn said. “He was definitely cautious and a bit shy, though. It took several apples to gain his trust.”


After everything Piggie Smalls had been through, he was a little nervous when he saw strangers approaching, but it didn’t take long for him to realize they were there to help.

They were able to safely secure him in a crate and carry him away from the side of the road forever.


Piggie Smalls is now living out his life at a private farm sanctuary in California. He couldn’t be happier, and he’s finally getting the care he deserves.

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