Clever Royal Swans Perform an Impressive Skill of Ringing Bells to Demand Food

At The Bishop’s Palace in Wells in Somerset, England, one of the main attractions is the swans. The palace has rescued swans over the years through Swan Rescue South Wales and welcomed them as members of the palace family.

The swans have the best life and also have the cutest way of asking for food and attention.

Whenever the swans would like a treat, they ring one of two bells hanging down from a window on the gatehouse. They get specially-formulated food to make sure they stay happy and healthy.

Ancient tradition: Caretaker Paul Arblaster with the swans ringing the bell at Bishop's Palace at Well's Cathedral

The swans know how to train their new babies each year to also ring the bell, making it a true family affair.

The tradition of the swans ringing the bells for food was likely started back in the 1850s by a bishop’s daughter. The tradition is still going strong today, and no one would have it any other way — especially the swans.

Historic significance: Swans have been a feature of the Bishop's Palace moat since the 1800s, with subsequent feathered friends learning to ring a bell at the Gatehouse whenever they want feeding

Generations of swans have rung the bells to grab a treat and say hello, and it’s absolutely the most charming part of The Bishop’s Palace.

Everyone at the palace is very dedicated to the swans, and they make that known to anyone who comes to visit.

Bullied: Bertie and Vicky had been struggling with their bell ringing training after they were intimidated by a group of resident ducks

There are different art pieces dedicated to the swans around the property, and they even have a swan cam at certain times of the year, which allows people to watch

The swans are treasured members of the palace family, and the bells make that very clear.

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