The Pup Waited for his owners Every day on Seaside Rocks with Eager Heart

As a beloved pet, Noorung was the pet of a couple of South Korean fishermen who lived by the ocean.

Since their work requires them to travel to neighboring islands, Noorung ensures the safety of his master at all times.

Unfortunately, the puppy’s life was close to take an unexpected turn. His owners were quite aged, and that they were becoming more ill by the day.

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They need medical assistance, but there is no medical assistance near the world where they live.

Then, at some point, they decided that they ought to move to an area with accessible medical facilities, which was further far away from their current home.

Inso they left, devastated that that they had to go away Noorung behind as they knew they wouldn’t be ready to look out of him at the new place.

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The pup waited for his owners every day, without fail, at the shores of that rocky island.海边狗狗等主人后续_狗坐在海边_小狗在海边-抖音

Therefore, he didn’t mind the breeze, so he decided not to go to the ocean. Soon enough, he stopped going to the ocean. Not because he realized his fate, but because he stayed on at the island, amidst the massive rocks.

Residents of the island started noticing Noorung and were concerned for him.


They would try to leave some food and drink behind and walk off so that he could eat, because as soon as he sees someone approaching him, he runs away in fear.

This went for one long year. Things started getting worse when dogs from the neighborhood would come around and begin attacking him.

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He would try the maximum amount as he could, but it had been becoming a big issue, and so the residents had to tell his former owners of his condition.

They were clearly heartbroken upon hearing the news, but there wasn’t much they might do.

They decided that Noorung should be rescued and delivered to the vet.








In anticipation of Noorung’s aversion to humans, he was shot with tranquilizer and brought to a nearby veterinary center.

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Much to the veterinarian’s delight, Noorung was in excellent condition, his health was good, and he had not sustained any injuries.

For the time being, the puppy was chained since they feared he might return to the island if freed.


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