At 268 Years, Scientists Fσund a Whale that was 25 Years σlder than America

Somewhere in the ocean there could be a whale that has been alive since 25 years before the USA existed and seven years before Admiral Nelson was born.

Scientists have discovered that many mammals may live far longer than expected, meaning the bowhead whale has an average 268-year life expectancy.

Although none has been found that dates to 1751, it would explain why a whale found in 2007 had a 200-year-old harpoon lodged in it.

The bowhead whale can live 268 years, the study revealed, meaning existing species may have been in the ocean before the Victorian era

The bowhead whale can live 268 years, the study revealed, meaning existing species may have been in the ocean before the Victorian era

Scientists at Australia’s national science agency have developed a DNA-based lifespan ‘clock’ that they claim can accurately estimate how long different vertebrates are likely to survive

Scientists at Australia's national science agency have developed a DNA-based lifespan 'clock' that they claim can accurately estimate how long different vertebrates are likely to survive

Bowheads, which live in the Arctic, were previously known to live at least 211 years, after one was dated using amino acids from its eye.

But Australian researchers who used a genetic ‘clock’ to predict animals’ lifespans say the whales live nearly 60 years longer than that.

Researchers also found the maximum natural lifespan of humans is 38 years, which matches anthropological estimates of lifespan in early modern humans

They worked this out from studying 42 genes and a chemical process they undergo called methylation that can be used to predict life expectancy.

Researchers also found the maximum natural lifespan of humans is 38 years, which matches anthropological estimates of lifespan in early modern humans

To estimate lifespan for the extinct woolly mammoth, the researchers worked with a genome assembled from the genome of the modern African elephant, which lives for 65 years

To estimate lifespan for the extinct woolly mammoth, the researchers worked with a genome assembled from the genome of the modern African elephant, which lives for 65 years

Study author Dr Benjamin Mayne, of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Canberra, said: ‘Vertebrates range hugely in lifespan, from a pygmy goby, a tropical fish which lives for only eight weeks, to a bowhead whale.

Scientists Have Found A 268-Year-Old Whale, That's Probably 25 Years Older  Than USA! - The Divine Dolphin


1.1 years: Turquoise killfish

Killifish - shortest lifespan of any animal with a backbone - Africa  Geographic

19.8 years: African bullfrog

African bullfrog | London Zoo

20 years: Passenger pigeon, African wild dog

African wild dogs will soon have their own sperm bank – how artificial  breeding will help them survive

23 years: Little bush moa

Little bush moa | Moariki | New Zealand Birds Online

27 years: European turtle dove

European Turtle Dove Conservation – Chew Valley Animal Park

37.8 years: Neanderthals and Denisovans

38 years: Humans

60 years: Woolly mammoth, straight-tusked elephant

Straight-Tusked Elephant - Facts and Figures

120 years: Pinta Island giant tortoise

Island Conservation Surviving Relative of Lonesome George The Pinta Giant  Tortoise Discovered - Island Conservation

205 years: Rougheye rockfish

School of Fish - Species Encyclopedia - Tradex Foods Inc

268 years:  Bowhead whale

The Evolutionary Trick that Lets Bowhead Whales Grow So Big | Hakai Magazine

‘It is incredible to think that there is an animal which lives for almost three centuries and could have been alive when Captain Cook first arrived in Australia.

‘The results will also help to work out animals’ risk of extinction. This could not be used to predict people’s lifespan as it looks at species rather than individuals. It also provides averages only.’

At 268 Years, Scientists Have Found A Whale That May Be 25 Years Older Than  USA

Using their method on extinct species, the scientists worked out that woolly mammoths lived for around 60 years, similar to elephants.

The researchers also found humans have a maximum natural lifespan of only 38 years.

Mammoths are a huge part of my life. But cloning them is wrong | Tori  Herridge | The Guardian

Using the human genome, the researchers found that the maximum natural lifespan of humans is 38 years, which matches anthropological estimates of lifespan in early modern humans.

They found Neanderthals and Denisovans had a maximum lifespan of 37.8 years, similar to modern humans living around the same time.

The reason the life expectancy of modern humans is more than double that length is down to advances in living standards and modern medicine, according to the researchers.

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