Ultra RARE “Chocolate” Brown Siberian Husky is the Most Beautiful Dog on Instagram

Have you ever seen a chocolate-brown Siberian Husky in person? I bet many of you haven’t, so let me introduce you to SeQuoi Tenk.

Quoi for short, this 11-month-old male Siberian Husky is easily one of the most beautiful dogs you will ever see in your life. And we’re not even exaggerating – just look at this beauty!

One could mistake him for a wolf—with his bright blue eyes and unusual coat—but he is a 100% certified Siberian Husky, although that might seem hard to believe.

SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky

His appearance perfectly suits him, as he is a nomadic dog currently traveling around the lower 48 of the United States with his owner, Nikki, as they go on a quest for a new home.

Nikki shares their adventures on Instagram, where Quoi is often captured exploring the wilderness, the woods, and snowy landscapes.

He made his debut on the platform only in March of this year, but he’s already gained a massive fanbase of 29.7K followers. This isn’t surprising, though, considering how beautiful Quoi is. Everybody would certainly want a daily dose of him on their social media feeds!
SeQuoi Tenk is an unusual name, but Nikki said it carries a significant meaning.

SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky

“His first name SeQuoi, is after a sequoia tree,” she told My Modern Met. “They say a name can really shape a personality, and I wanted him to be big, tall, and strong like a sequoia tree is. Tenko is Japanese for ‘heavenly fox,’ and as much as I wanted him to be strong, I also wanted him to be sweet, which he totally is!”

Though it may look like it from afar, Quoi isn’t actually entirely brown. He has a small patch of white fur on his chest, which makes him even more adorable.
People don’t see all-brown huskies every day, and that makes Quio an attention-magnet everywhere he goes.

“Everywhere we go, people stop in their tracks wanting to pet him,” said Nikki. “I get asked at least three–five times by strangers’ what is he?’ and when I say ‘Siberian Husky,’ no one ever believes me, but he is AKC certified and is 100% Siberian Husky.”

SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky

Nikki had initially planned to adopt an older dog, but she struggled to earn approval from the animal sanctuary she was communicating with because she didn’t have a permanent home.

Nevertheless, she has absolutely no regrets now that Quoi is by her side. In him, she has found a best friend and lifelong companion to go on endless adventures with.

“The puppy route was my only choice to get a dog,” Nikki explained. “While he wasn’t the dog I was searching for, he was exactly the dog I needed. Full of attitude and goofiness.”
With a dog as gorgeous as Quoi, capturing picture-perfect photos every time isn’t a problem. Check out some of the most stunning images of this incredibly beautiful Siberian Husky in the gallery below.

SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky

SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky
SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky
SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky
SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky
SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky
SeQuoi Tenk the rare chocolate brown Siberian Husky

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