Hungry Hummingbird Confuses the Woman’s Purple Hair for Irresistible Flowers

Sheena is a TikTok user going by the username @sheena.ltd and at the beginning of this month she decided to pay a visit to a bird sanctuary located in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil.

This bird sanctuary is spread in an area that falls under subtropical rainforests and the sanctuary is home to a large number of native wildlife.

Sheena had no doubts that the visit was going to be a memorable one and she was proven right.

Sheena is a citizen of Argentina and she earns a living as an image consultant. She is an artist with a passion for aesthetics and she expresses her creativity not just through her work but personal style as well.

This individual incorporates colors into her personal style and this is what attracted her unique new admirer.

Hungry Hummingbird Mistakes Woman's Hair For A Flower - The Dodo

As she was making her way through the sanctuary, Parque das Aves, the human could not help but shake off the feeling that she was under observation.

She spotted a tiny hummingbird from a short distance away and it was clear that Sheena had grabbed the creature’s attention. “I could feel he was looking at me. And then he approached me,” Sheena conveyed.

The hummingbird had misidentified Sheena for a flower and approached the human.

“It was a magical moment. I don’t know how to describe it,” she expressed.

Sadly, for the tiny bird, Sheena was no flower and had no nectar to offer. The little bird soon realized this and flew away in search of some real flowers filled with sweet nectar to fill its belly.

However, this interaction made Sheena’s trip an unforgettable one.

“I am an animal lover. This encounter could not have been more incredible. It makes you feel very special,” Sheena commented.

The human even shared video footage of the incident and it is sure to put a smile on your face. Don’t forget to visit Parque das Aves if you are ever in Brazil.

Hummingbird thinks her hair is a flower : r/MadeMeSmile


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